Supercharge your site with our comprehensive website audit tool

Designed for small business owners, you’ll get clear and simple SEO insights to help your website rank higher.

site speed
site speedsite speed
site speed

Why HeyTony audit tool?

Easy to use

Simply paste the link to your website and let us handle the rest.

No BS!

See exactly what’s stopping your website from ranking higher.


Not only do we show you the issues, but we explain how to fix them.

What's in the report?

Hi, Matt here! This is the audit tool we use at HeyTony. I spent over a decade using other audit tools that were clunky, complicated, and expensive. And on top of that, they didn’t give me everything I needed to quickly identify issues for my client sites. Which is why I paid a boatload of money to get this software developed… and priced it so cheap anyone could afford it.

feature 1

Stop wasting time

I don’t know about you, but once I get on a roll with fixing an issue, it gets quicker and easier. Fixing pages with broken links? No problem! Here’s a list! Same thing with orphaned pages!

And if those last few sentences don’t make sense, don’t worry! I’ve created videos explaining the issues in plain english… and show you how to fix them!

feature 1

Measure site health & progress

Quickly see how your site scores, and which issues are seriously preventing you from ranking. Oh, and did I mention there are videos showing you how to fix them? :)

feature 1

Improve user experience

Search engines love websites that prioritize their users, which means you should care about it, too! Get a quick snapshot of how you can improve your user experience.

Get started for $10/month

You won’t find a cheaper audit tool, I promise.

Your audit includes:

Audit 3 websitesCrawl up to 1,000 pages / siteHow To Fix TutorialsMonthly reportsExport everything! (See FAQs below!) Even more features are in the works!

Don't just take our word for it

Matt's audit tool is incredibly user-friendly and provided me with detailed insights into my website's performance. I highly recommend this tool to anyone looking to boost their online presence!

Tyler Gies

The easiest & most straightforward audit tool I have come across!! Not only does it let you know what needs improvement & how urgent these tasks are. The bonus of having video tutorials for each task gives you all you need to confidently implement these changes.


Lara Fountain


Supercharge your site!